Мотокросс, Чемпионат и Первенство Волгоградской области, 7 апреля, Волгоград, трасса Максимка

7 апреля 2024, 12:00, мототрек "Максимка" 1 этап Чемпионата и Первенства Волгоградской области по мотокроссу пройдет в Советском районе города Волгограда.
34 МФ тэги: 


sdiDen's picture

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мониторинг физических воздействий

Hi all!

I've come across a frustrating problem – there's a significant vibration when driving at speed, and it's clear the driveshaft is the culprit. The vibration is worse around 80-90 km/h. From what I've read online, it's likely an imbalance problem.

I'm considering the best method to solve this:

Remove it and take it to a balancing machine. It's a reliable method, though it's a bit of a hassle and expensive. I've read about balancing it without removing it. They balance it on a lift with some tools without taking it off.

Has anyone here dealt with a similar issue? What method did you choose to solve the driveshaft vibration, and why?
I want to buy a portable balancer Balanset-1A, like this for <a href=https://www.ebay.com/itm/395459585624>Engine Vibration</a> In this store https://www.ebay.com/itm/395385809563

Do you have any tips or advice to offer? I'd really appreciate any advice and recommendations!

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autogDen's picture

Интересно: <a href=https://autoplenka.com/product-category/windshield/>антигравийная пленка отзывы</a> или <a href=https://autoplenka.com/product-category/windshield/>матовая антигравийная пленка</a>

Может быть полезным: https://autoplenka.com/product/vygonka-hornet-trapecziya-3-sloya/ или <a href=https://autoplenka.com/product-category/tinting/plenka-hamelion/>полиуретановая антигравийная пленка для фар</a>

Ещё можно узнать: <a href=http://yourdesires.ru/it/1248-kak-vvesti-znak-evro-s-klaviatury.html>значок евро на клавиатуре мак</a>
